Add your free listing

Submit your business - FREE!

Adding your business to the Gold Coast Wedding Directory is easy! Just fill in the details below and hit the Submit Button. We'll review your entry and as long as it meets our submission guidelines we'll add it to the directory for free!
  • Choose the best wedding related category
  • Write something about your business. Do not use HTML.
  • Seperate keywords with commas. Use only keywords relevant to your business (i.e. wedding services or products you offer)
  • You can add you company logo or your photo if you like.
  • If you would like to keep your address private, please enter "By appointment".
  • Your email will not be displayed in the directory. It is only needed so that we can contact you.
  • Type in the two words in the field below:
    We won't mail you often. You can unsubscribe at any time. Subscription is necessary to maintain free listing.
    Turning your link into a followed link can help your search engine rankings. To do this we need to check your website - this is a one-time fee of $15.00.